7 Top Cuisine In Guangxi 2023

Guilin Rice Noodles

Guangxi, located in southern China, is a province known for its diverse culinary culture. The region’s unique geography, which includes both mountainous and coastal areas, has led to the development of a wide range of delicious and unique dishes. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the top 7 cuisines in Guangxi that you should definitely try if you have the chance.

  • Introduction

Guangxi’s culinary culture has been influenced by its history and geography. The province has a long history of trade and cultural exchange with neighboring countries, which has led to the incorporation of various foreign flavors into local dishes. Additionally, the province’s diverse landscape, including both mountainous and coastal areas, has resulted in a wide range of ingredients and cooking techniques being used in local cuisine.

To select the top 10 cuisines in Guangxi, we considered a combination of factors, including the dish’s popularity, historical significance, and unique flavor profile. The list is a mix of traditional and modern dishes, and we’ve included a brief description of each dish, its history and origins, popular variations, and recommended places to try the dish in Guangxi.

  • Guilin Rice Noodles

Guilin Rice Noodles, also known as Guilin Mifen, is a dish that originated in the city of Guilin. The dish is made from rice flour and is typically served in a soup with a variety of toppings, such as meat, vegetables, and peanuts. The soup is made with a unique blend of spices and seasonings, giving it a unique and flavorful taste.

The dish has a long history in Guilin, dating back to the Ming Dynasty. It was originally a cheap and convenient meal for workers, but over time it has become a beloved local specialty. Today, there are a variety of different variations of the dish, including spicy and non-spicy versions, and different types of meat and vegetables used as toppings.

If you’re in Guilin, we recommend trying the dish at one of the city’s many street food vendors or at a local restaurant specializing in Guilin Rice Noodles.

  • Guilin Sour Soup

Guilin Sour Soup, also known as Guilin Suantang, is a dish that originated in the city of Guilin. The dish is made from a variety of sour ingredients, such as pickled vegetables, tofu, and sometimes meat, and is typically served in a spicy broth. The dish is typically eaten as a snack or side dish and is known for its unique sour and spicy flavor.

The origins of Guilin Sour Soup can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, when it was first created as a way to preserve food during the hot summer months. Today, the dish is a popular local specialty and can be found at street food vendors and local restaurants throughout the city.

If you’re in Guilin, we recommend trying the dish at one of the city’s many street food vendors or at a local restaurant specializing in Guilin Sour Soup.

  • Liuzhou Hot Pot

Liuzhou Hot Pot is a dish that originated in the city of Liuzhou. The dish is made by cooking a variety of meats, seafood, and vegetables in a flavorful broth. The dish is typically eaten communally, with diners cooking their own ingredients in the hot pot at the table.

The origins of Liuzhou Hot Pot can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, when it was first created as a way to preserve food during the hot summer months.

Today, the dish is a popular local specialty and can be found at street food vendors and local restaurants throughout the city. The broth used for the hot pot is typically made with a blend of spices and seasonings, giving it a unique and flavorful taste.

If you’re in Liuzhou, we recommend trying the dish at a local hot pot restaurant, where you can try a variety of different meats, seafood, and vegetables cooked in the hot pot.

  • Wuzhou Dongpo Pork

Wuzhou Dongpo Pork is a dish that originated in the city of Wuzhou. The dish is made by braising pork belly in a sweet and savory sauce, and is known for its tender and flavorful meat. The dish is typically eaten as a main course and is often served with rice.

The origins of Wuzhou Dongpo Pork can be traced back to the Song Dynasty, when it was first created by a famous poet and government official named Su Dongpo. Today, the dish is a popular local specialty and can be found at street food vendors and local restaurants throughout the city.

If you’re in Wuzhou, we recommend trying the dish at a local restaurant specializing in Wuzhou Dongpo Pork.

  • Nanning Sweet and Sour Fish

Nanning Sweet and Sour Fish is a dish that originated in the city of Nanning. The dish is made by deep-frying fish and then coating it in a sweet and sour sauce. It is typically served with vegetables and is known for its balance of sweet and sour flavors.

The origins of Nanning Sweet and Sour Fish can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty. Today, the dish is a popular local specialty and can be found at street Fried Rice.

  • Beihai Sea Snail

Beihai Sea Snail is a dish that originated in the city of Beihai. The dish is made from a variety of sea snails and is typically stir-fried with vegetables and a flavorful sauce. It is known for its unique and delicious taste and texture.

The origins of Beihai Sea Snail can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, when it was first created as a way to make use of the abundant sea snails found in the area. Today, the dish is a popular local specialty and can be found at street food vendors and local restaurants throughout the city.

If you’re in Beihai, we recommend trying the dish at a local restaurant specializing in Beihai Sea Snail.

  • Guilin Fried Snacks

Guilin Fried Snacks is a dish that originated in the city of Guilin. The dish is made from a variety of ingredients, such as meat, seafood, and vegetables, and is typically deep-fried and served as a snack. It is known for its crispy texture and flavorful taste.

The origins of Guilin Fried Snacks can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, when it was first created as a way to make use of the abundance of ingredients found in the area. Today, the dish is a popular local specialty and can be found at street food vendors and local restaurants throughout the city.

If you’re in Guilin, we recommend trying the dish at one of the city’s many street food vendors or at a local restaurant specializing in Guilin Fried Snacks.


Top 10 Delicious Foods In Guilin


Guangxi is a province known for its diverse and delicious culinary culture. The top 7 cuisines in Guangxi that we’ve discussed in this blog post are a mix of traditional and modern dishes, and are a great representation of the flavors and ingredients found in the region. From Guilin Rice Noodles to Beihai Sea Snail, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

We hope this blog post has given you an idea of what to expect when it comes to the food in Guangxi and has inspired you to try some of these delicious dishes if you ever have the opportunity. And if you are, don’t hesitate to visit local street food vendors and local restaurants, where you can find the best and most authentic dishes.